Dear NHS, please start helping us

I just read a blog post from Sophie Burnage, a foundation doctor from Stoke on Trent who battled with an eating disorder since she was 10 years old. First of all it’s inspiring to hear about someone overcoming what for me has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to face and moving on to better and brighter things in life. The idea that I could get back on track and forge a successful career…. well as I’ve blogged about before I still feel like I’m starting starting from below zero.

Sophie’s blog and podcast talk about the funding deficit in the NHS for adults with eating disorders. As an example, in Stoke there is no specialist service for adults, while the budget for children is £143, 432. Now, I’m not trying to take away from children. Of course they need help too. But I’m sure I’m not the only one whose problems began in childhood but took until adulthood to be realised and admitted.

In fact, going through private therapy I discovered there were things that happened in my childhood that probably contributed to or even sparked my eating disorder. It began way, way before I realised. I went through the ‘pride’ stage of being skinny. Then once I did reach the point I knew there was a problem I didn’t want to admit it. By the time I was ready – bang – I’m an adult.

My own experience with the NHS was a long and fruitless exercise as they couldn’t/wouldn’t deal with all my issues at once. And that was when I finally reached the top of the waiting list for what I can only describe as a force-feeding day centre, as I have blogged about in the past.

Internally I know I am already battling inside between acceptance and denial. I know I need help, and so much of me wants it. When getting help is another battle it just adds to the black cloud that seems to follow me around.

Sophie has taken the brave and respectable step of applying a petition to the government. Keen to support it, I clicked on the link but sadly it isn’t currently. I was faced with the following notice:

Petition to the UK Government and Parliament about funding for adults with eating disorders

Basically I just wanted to congratulate Sophie for speaking out. At some point hopefully I will be brave enough to share things from my past and how it all began. For now all I can do is say I’m in a similar boat – albeit many steps behind Sophie – but there’s always tomorrow. Or next year. Or maybe never.

Well done Sophie. Her post and podcast can be found here.

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